Last Call for Speaker Applications for WordCamp Mumbai 2014

Note: Speaker applications are now closed.

We are really happy to see a nice response for speakers sessions at WordCamp Mumbai 2014. With just over a month left for the event, it is the business end of preparations for the event.

We will shut-down our Speaker Registrations for WordCamp Mumbai 2013 on 15th February. That just 5 days from now. So if you think you or a friend of yours should speak, hurry up! πŸ˜€

Remember to read the guidelines before applying on our “Call for Speakers page

Our Speaker line-up at the moment is looking pretty good and we hope to be adding some good ones over the next few days.

Our entire list of speakers confirmed can be viewed here and you can purchase a ticket (Min Rs. 300) here.

Important Links

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About Aditya Kane

He is passionate about community building and that passion led him on starting his journey as a contributor in 2012. He co-founded the WordPress meetup in Mumbai, which was the very first one in India. He currently contributes to the project as a Program Manager on the Community Team, along with being part of the WordPress Incident Report Team. Aditya Kane lives in Pune, India. He works as a freelance consultant for WordPress projects and agencies. He believes that open-source, the open web, an open culture that nourishes, informs, changes and invites participation feels inherently authentic.