Troubleshooting WordPress for Beginners

I am going to help you solve these problems.

Fixing common WP errors:

  1. Help Yourself:
    I will be talking about fixing these common errors and how WP users can maintain their sites with ease. I relate it to a real life example of riding a scooter or bike. Whatever we own, we should know  the basic troubleshooting as you won’t always find a mechanic come to our rescue at the earliest.
  2. Patience and Google are your friends: 
    The key to fixing or troubleshooting a WP site is “patience”. Instead of being horrified or worried about  losing your site and data, it’s time to keep calm and look for the solution. A lot of common errors and their solutions can be found online on support forums and popular WP websites like WP Beginner, ManageWP Blog, Tutsplus etc.
  3. Breaking the myth, “I am not a developer, I can’t fix it”
    Most WP users think that they need to be a developer to fix common issues or make minor changes to their site’s styling. But, that’s wrong. Most PHP errors are presented in plain english, clearly mentioning the cause of error, the filename and line number which needs to be fixed. A close look at the error will guide you in the right direction and you will be able to fix it. It’s no rocket science! Trust me.
  4. Get control of your site’s styling – Understanding CSS
    A site’s styling is controlled by CSS and if you understand English, it’s quite easy to understand CSS. Most CSS properties relate with basic technical terms of website design.
  5. Some productivity tips:
    There are times when you have tried to add a nice looking “About me” section to your site’s sidebar and you wondered you can’t do that because you don’t know how to write HTML? I have got a trick, you can use WP post editor. The post editor will write the HTML and CSS for you and you can simply copy-paste the code instead of looking for a plugin or some tutorial online.

Read the complete post by Puneet Sahalot on “Troubleshooting WordPress for Beginners”.