Buy WordCamp Tickets Offline in Mumbai, Nashik and Pune

desk-44077_1280Our tickets are selling well but a common complaint at times is that for some people buying a ticket online is difficult because they might not have a bank account or access to a credit card.

This is especially true with younger audiences and college going WordPress fans.

So we are introducing offline ticket sales! We have kept some tickets away which can be bought offline paying cash.

The price remains INR 500/- but there are three places you can buy these tickets this Saturday, February 27th 2016. Currently this is the only date we are making offline tickets available.

  • Mumbai WordPress Meetup10.30 am to 1.00 PM.
    Address: Starbucks Bandra-Kurla Complex
    Ground Floor, First International Financial Centre Building, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai
  • Pune WordPress Knowledge Exchange4.30 PM to 6.30 PM
    Address: rtCamp Solutions Pvt Ltd
    G-2/2, Liberty Phase-2, North Main Road, Koregaon Park, Pune
  • Nashik WordPress Meetup5.30 PM to 6.30 PM
    Address: MilesWeb Internet Services
    401 C-Wing, 4th Floor, Chandrakiran Park, Near Prakash Petrol Pump, Govind Nagar, Nashik

Don’t just attend these meetups to buy tickets but also get talking and ask your questions about what a WordCamp is, why you should attend one and more.

Also for folks who want to buy tickets online, visit

We are working on announcing a rough schedule soon and you can also check out our list of speakers announced to decide on attending the event.

Big thanks to Harshad Mane and Saurabh Shukla along with local organisers of meetups in Nashik and Pune for making offline ticket sales happen.

Note: Offline tickets can only be purchased by paying cash. If you prefer using a card, use the online option.

Published by

Aditya Kane

He is passionate about community building and that passion led him on starting his journey as a contributor in 2012. He co-founded the WordPress meetup in Mumbai, which was the very first one in India. He currently contributes to the project as a Program Manager on the Community Team, along with being part of the WordPress Incident Report Team. Aditya Kane lives in Pune, India. He works as a freelance consultant for WordPress projects and agencies. He believes that open-source, the open web, an open culture that nourishes, informs, changes and invites participation feels inherently authentic.

WordCamp Mumbai 2016 is over. Check out the next edition!