Gutenberg: Beginner’s guide for WordPress users

Gutenberg is the newest editor for WordPress that is expected to be included in WordPress’s next major release 5.0. It’s named after Johannes Gutenberg, who invented a printing press with movable type more than 500 years ago. The current visual editor requires us to make use of shortcodes and a lot of custom HTML to make a post/page look nicer and it’s not very easy for the beginners or even the experienced users.

Gutenberg is being designed to integrate with WordPress core. It will add content blocks and page builder-like functionality to ease the writing experience and make it a real WYSIWYG ( What you see is What you get) experience. When in use, it will replace TinyMCE as the default content editor. With Gutenberg, content is added in blocks of various types from the WordPress backend, thus trying to make this easier, especially for those just starting with WordPress.

In this session, Faishal and Umesh will introduce you to this new WordPress editor which will be a mixture of some brief talks, demos, discussions, and workshop.
Some principal questions which will be answered here include:
— What would it mean to the general user?
— What does it mean to a developer?
— What happens to WordPress projects already completed?
— When should you migrate people to Gutenberg?
— When should one pitch Gutenberg to a client?
— How can we contribute to Gutenberg?
— How will Gutenberg be rolled out?

Attendees are requested to bring a laptop if they are interested to play around the same parallelly. However, it is NOT mandatory.

Know more about Faishal
