In search of the best WordPress Theme

Launching a WordPress site is easy. Yet, selecting a theme and plugins can be extremely challenging.

When Nirav set out to revamp his website, he wanted to “get it out the door soon”. Little did he know of the monster that lay ahead…

He wanted the best WordPress theme. So he reviewed and tried all the major themes out there – on WordPress, ThemeForest, popular theme shops.

After about 3 months work, he made his new site live. And he got 6x more customers. Bounce rate dropped, time on site improved, conversions improved – every metric saw a boom.

In this session, he will get answers to all these questions…

* Why he rejected 418 themes?
* What roadblocks he faced with a great looking theme?
* What took much longer than theme design? Don’t overlook this.
* Why his site looks good despite being copy-pasted from other sites?
* Why his theme designer friend told him that he does not need a theme…
* One neat trick that can save you hours if your marketing team is going to manage content

If you are a developer building websites for others or a business that owns a site; there are some golden lessons for you in here.

Know More About Nirav.
