Fairy Dharawat

Fairy Dharawat

Fairy DharawatFairy Dharawat likes to read, write, and draw. The order changes from time to time. Writing movie reviews is fun for her but its the workshops on stories and drawings she organizes with Katha Kosa where she gets to talk about them in their full glory.

She started Stories4hire her story collective, which completes a year (time sure flies!). She has talked about how to blog and guides on best practices for writing emails with IIDE, a digital marketing institute.

She also has a full-time job as a copywriter, and she’s normally nice but gets cranky from time to time, due to getting tired.

Her advice to you is:
1) To understand our mad world, become a reader.
2) And to live a life worth writing about. Even if it’s boring 🙂 Keep writing!

Workshop: Tackling creative block through stories Workshop.

Session: How to write better to do lists.

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