Introducing our first Speaker – Akshaya Rane

Akshaya started her career in WordPress in 2013 as a WordPress developer. Currently, she works as Services Delivery Head at WisdmLabs (managing Services division Team Leads and Developers).

Her current role focuses on Growth and process improvement.

Read more about Akshaya

Mastering Project Estimation: From Idea to Implementation

Project estimation is a pivotal aspect that bridges the gap between the inception of an idea and its successful implementation. It’s a two-fold process that involves estimating the project to define its scope and budget, followed by a detailed estimation before diving into the actual work. Whether you’re a business analyst, developer, salesperson, or agency owner, this talk is your compass to navigate the complexities of project estimation effectively.

In this session, we’ll delve into the crucial realm of estimation, exploring why it holds paramount importance in project management. We’ll unravel a toolkit of techniques designed to empower you with the ability to craft accurate project estimates. Moreover, we’ll highlight common pitfalls and mistakes that often plague the estimation process, equipping you with the insights needed to steer clear of them. Join us as we unlock the secrets to project estimation success and empower you to confidently take your projects from concept to reality.



