Aashish Pahwa

A firm believer in the power of WordPress and the endless possibilities it offers. I’m also the founder of Feedough, a website recognized amongst the top 20 startup resources globally. Besides this, I also own over 10 different digital assets powered by WordPress and have over 8 years of experience in working with WordPress.

But my WordPress journey isn’t just limited to these websites. I’ve had the pleasure of fostering a local community as the organizer of the WordPress Delhi Meetup – one of the biggest WordPress communities in India.

My role as a meetup organizer is far from a formal title. I lead workshops, facilitate discussions, and most importantly, learn from some of the best minds in our community.

I consider myself an expert at using AI in WordPress, WordPress SEO, and WordPress Design. Have several case studies that I frequently share with the community.

Outside of the meetups and managing Feedough, you’ll find me exploring the latest digital trends, experimenting with new WordPress plugins, or just sharing my insights with our vibrant tech community. My goal is simple: to make WordPress more accessible and to inspire others to do the same.





WordCamp Mumbai 2023 is over. Check out the next edition!