Introducing Speaker – Yashwardhan Rana

Introducing our next speaker Yashwardhan Rana.

Yashwardhan is a content marketer and strategist with over 8 years of experience driving successful marketing campaigns for WordPress products. Currently, he is working as the Content Team Lead for WPForms and has worked with multiple WordPress brands in the past to help grow their traffic and sales via content marketing.

Yash is also a WordPress super user and long-time contributor. He genuinely believes that open-source technology and the inclusive web can create a more positive global impact. He is a regular contributor to various projects (Marketing, Polyglots, Photos) and has organized various meetups, workshops, and WordCamp Bhopal 2023 to share his knowledge and passion for WordPress and Open Source.

When he’s not working, you can find him traveling, gaming, cooking, and attending WordCamps. If you’re up for some lively conversation about marketing, WordPress, or any other interesting topic that pops into your mind, simply say hi to Yash during the event!

Read more about Yashwardhan Rana.

Building a Robust Content Engine

Content marketing is a long-term marketing strategy that requires patience and consistency. With so many new changes happening in the content creation industry, there is no one set-in-stone rule that can guarantee success for content creators.

However, there are immutable rules and laws of marketing & content strategy building that can immensely help content creators set realistic goals and meet them head-on.

In this talk, I will introduce everyone to content marketing strategy foundations and principles of creating an effective marketing strategy. I will also share insights on how creators can explore techniques for consistently producing high-quality, engaging content that captivates the audience.

By the end of this lightning talk, attendees will leave with a clear roadmap for building a robust content strategy that enhances their online presence and achieves their business goals.





WordCamp Mumbai 2023 is over. Check out the next edition!